Junior Achievement In A Day - JA USA
A complete day of JA Education
What is JA in a Day?
What Do Volunteers Do?
The volunteers participate in a training session (on-site at your location or at our office) prior to the event where they will obtain their classroom materials and teacher assignments. On the day of the event, volunteers conduct the lessons in the assigned classrooms.
What Is the Role of the Teacher?
During the event, teachers are present in the classroom at all times to partner with the volunteers, help maintain discipline and answer any of the volunteer's questions.
What Is JA Staff's Role?
What Is My Time Commitment?
Usually 4.5 hours. Volunteers arrive at the school around 8:30-9:00 a.m. and begin lessons. Typically, volunteers are done between 1 and 2 p.m.
Get Involved with Junior Achievement!
please reach out to a JA near you!