To help teens better understand the costs of college and other options after high school, PwC sponsored the development of JA Access Your Future. JA Access Your Future is a free online resource that allows users to explore their options for life after high school. Specifically the tool:
-Helps teens and their parents or caregivers weigh various education options, such as attending an in-state university compared to an out-of-state or private college.
-Enables students to calculate how long it will take to pay off student loan debt based on the projected income of their desired career.
-Allows users to look at two-year programs and careers that require a certification or on-the-job training.
-Assists teens and their parents in making informed choices about higher education options that may make more sense given limited financial resources for education and training beyond high school.
Junior Achievement USA gratefully acknowledges PWC's commitment to empowering young people to own their economic success.
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